What we aspire to, we do not get. What we get, we seldom expect.
Life bows down before those who choose to be happy under all circumstances.
What we expect never comes, but we fail to cherish what actually arrives. Instead of appreciating what we have now, we brood over what we’ve lost.
Why is this life such a mysterious riddle? – a riddle we puzzle over constantly –
When you need to adjust, do it! Bending down for life is a sign of life. Stiffness is a sign of life gone out.
The way to live is twofold: Learn to achieve whatever benefit you can. Learn to like whatever benefit you’ve already achieved.
Living is difficult. Until you chisel a statue out of a rock, the rock on its own can’t take a form.
Life teaches abundantly. Sometimes it makes you laugh, and sometimes it tears you apart.
But life bows down before those who choose to be happy under all circumstances.
With your smile, steal pain away. Delightfully express your heart. Break free and forever spread cheer.
The secret of life is to continue living. Such is life’s truth.

Quarried block of Tennessee marble at the Mead’s Quarry section of the Ijams Nature Center in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, 14th November 2010, by Brian Stansberry.